Thursday, July 29, 2010

How much more?

Luke 11:1-13

Elohim- plural form of "El" meaning "strong one"

Yaweh - To Exist, to Be, being

Adonai "master"

Hallowed be his name, but Jesus does not use any of these terms for God, some of the many names of God as per his religion. Rather Jesus tells us to say Father and not simply His Father but rather Our Father. This is a radical departure from the names above.

The passage goes on to suggest that everything you pray for you will receive. I have heard this used to suggest if you are not receiving you are not praying correctly, or do not believe. I however do not understand such an interpretation taking in the story and illustration Jesus uses to bookend the statement everyone who knocks receive, etc. See the friend that said no at first to his friend did get up to help not simply because of persistence, but the persistence of a friend. How much more would God? And thus the key is the two illustrations about the parent giving their child a fish or an egg.

I am relatively new as a parent, AJ just turned 2 (July 26), but as far as I can remember I have always had parents. Thus I know when I asked for an egg I never received a scorpion, however, when I did ask for a scorpion I would receive an egg. See parents do not give everything a child asks for and that is important. This pericope concentrates on prayer and brings forward a very radical notion of God as heavenly parent, father, and thus with these illustrations it is important to realize God will always answer prayers, but the answer will be of a parent.

Jesus tells us to call God, Father, as he did which is a wonderful and radical notion. I believe Paul picks up on the Aramaic word that Jesus may have used at times, which is "Abba" best translated as "daddy." Extremely personal. One Gospel records Jesus using that term, Mark 14:36 "He said, 'Abba, Father, for you all things are possible; remove this cup from me; yet, not what I want, but what you want.'" The key point is not only does Jesus emphasize the parental nature of God, but rather that Jesus even prayers for God's will. God will always provide an egg even when you are asking for things you do not need.

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